Project SOAR Recovery Residences is committed to ensuring all prospective residents of our communities are provided the necessary information in order for them to make an informed decision on which 12-step program best suits them and their particular needs in order to pave the way towards a successful recovery.
"Do not short change yourself or your loved one by entering a recovery house that is not truly designed to support recovery, assist in an employment search, insist upon personal responsibility, or has no regard for appropriate behavior. Recovery is about moving forward. The living environment and the new habits formed in early sobriety matter."
Addiction treatment and its associate facilities, such as half-way and/or sober living communities are a big business. Sadly, many individuals who go into the business of substance abuse treatment and transitional houses have little to no experience or expertise with addiction. To distinguish one treatment facility from another and to find the appropriate sober living house after detox and/or treatment can be a daunting task.
The name half-way house encompasses many populations: those individuals newly released from a mental hospital, those newly sober, those just out of prison, and those who are physically or mentally challenged in need of a living in a community-all define the variety of half way houses. The term recovery residence/sober living defines an environment. It is a residence where drugs and/or alcohol and other addictive behaviors are not tolerated or allowed—at least not in a credible facility.
First, recovery residences and half-way houses for recovering addicts and alcoholics are NOT state or federally regulated. There is a national and state movement to regulate and standardize these facilities to protect clients. We believe strongly in providing quality living environments for those in recovery. Second, not all recovery residences or half-way houses offer the same structure, supervision, or support. Therein lies the difference between a quality facility and one that is structured just for profit –not recovery. Also generally, recovery residences are certified to ensure they adhere to certain quality and safety standards, while halfway houses may not always have this certification.
Since 2010, Project SOAR Recovery Residences has offered the newly recovering person a clean, safe, secure, and compassionate environment in which to integrate back into society as a productive human being. Unfortunately, too many half-way houses and recovery residence communities for newly clean and sober individuals are just flop houses. They are dirty, and profit by warehousing men and women into very small living spaces, without a monitored structure and, worst of all, they subject newly recovering individuals to the open use of drugs and alcohol without consequences. Can anyone stay clean and sober if they are confronted with a filthy environment, in which other people are using or dealing?
A quality transitional home is equally as important as detox and substance abuse treatment. Each phase builds upon the last. The quality of a person's recovery residence will help or hinder his/her ability to overcome triggers, resist negative behaviors, and maintain personal responsibility. To arrange a tour of one of our residences, or learn more about our program, contact us today. We look forward to speaking with you.